We've celebrated 10 years from the Foundation of PUST in October 2009!
On 3rd October 2019, we had a formal Anniversary Ceremony followed by the traditional tree-planting activity, where faculty, members of the Pyongyang diplomatic community and international guests joined students in adding more ‘green’ to the PUST campus.
The formal anniversary ceremony was held in the main auditorium on the campus and was attended by many official guests, local diplomats and participants of the international conference which followed directly afterwards. The Ceremony was addressed by the Vice-chairman of the Education committee of the DPR Korea, the DPRK-side co-President of PUST and the foreign-side Vice-president of Operations. Their speeches highlighted the diligent efforts of all concerned – faculty, students and the university’s supporters, working with the education department of the government of the DPR Korea – to develop PUST to the highest standards possible.
Some notable statistics were mentioned:
- a current total of about 650 students, over 100 of them postgraduates
- more than 660 degrees awarded (over 160 at Masters level)
- the first two overseas doctoral degrees (PhD) gained by PUST students, at a world-class university bio-medical research centre in Sweden
- other students now also doing PhDs abroad
- overseas study on short courses, Masters and research work, in China and several high-class universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.
On the afternoon before the formal Anniversary, PUST students, staff and faculty had an inter-department Sports Day – with serious and not-so-serious games – followed by a musical performance by students and some overseas faculty and family members.